Neurological Eye Conditions

Treating Neurological Eye Conditions
Our providers diagnose and treat conditions related to the nervous system of the eye.
Possible problems you may be experiencing that need evaluation include injury to the brain and or/optic nerves – which transmit visual signals from the eyes to the brain. This includes treatment for loss of vision that may be caused by trauma, inflammation, strokes, tumors, toxicity, and infections.
Don’t Overlook These Symptoms
Patients who have any loss of visual acuity, visual field, or color vision due to a problem with the brain or optic nerves should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible. Some of the typical disorders include:
- optic neuritis
- optic neuropathy
- papilledema
- ocular myasthenia gravis
- visual field loss due to tumor, stroke, or any unexplained vision loss
- double vision
- headaches
- nystagmus (shaking eyes)
- disorders of the eyelids and pupils such as eyelid or facial spasm

Diagnosis and Treatment
EXAM– Neurological eye exam begins with an extensive history of the patient’s problem and a review of any neurological or medical problems that could be relevant.
EVALUATION- Evaluation of the patient’s vision and eye movements by testing the visual acuity, color vision, and visual fields. Special attention is paid to the optic nerve and retina in the back of the eye.
PHYSICAL- Dilating drops will be administered to allow easy viewing of these important structures. The pressure and size of each eye may be checked as well.
NEXT STEPS- A provider will sit down with the patient to discuss their condition and any treatments or management strategies that may be offered.